Haji wasim 28 Jalna Unmarried

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MD Faiyaz 22 Single Male From Kolkata West Bengal

Name: Md Faiyaz

Gender: male
Date of birth: 1999
Age : 22

Address: 29/1 aga mehdi street
Country : India
State: west Bengal
City: kolkata
Pincode: 700016
Height: 5.9
Weight: 95
Marital status: never married
Body type: Healthy
Complexion: fair
Physical status: Normal
Mother tongue: urdu
Religion: islam
Caste: quraishi
Highest education: 9th pass English medium
College/Institute: kolkata public day institute
Occupation: bussiness supplying meat in restaurants.
Work organization:
Monthly income: 25000
Family type: Nuclear family
Family status: middle class
Family origin: kolkata
Present location: kolkata
Father's name: Md Ayaz
Father's occupation: Goat supplier in rajabazar.
200 pcs 300 pcs bakra every day buy & sale Allahumdullillah
Mother's name: shaheen begum
Mother's occupation:
Number of brothers: 0
Number of sisters: 5
About your family:
Maslak/Aqeedah/cult: sunni
Your criteria of bride/groom:
Location Preferred: kolkata
Caste Preferred: Sunni Quraishi syed
Extra knowledge : basic 


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